I was recently working on a website that required some of it's content to be paginated. As I was about to start writing the code to build the links for the pagination, I thought instead of writing a piece of code that could only be used this once, it might be a good idea to write a function that was a bit more flexible.
Ever tried to use jQuery's .load() method in order to detect when an image has loaded only to have it not trigger or trigger at the wrong time? Well this is something that has affected many developers, myself included. In this quick guide I am going to show you how to make the jQuery .load() method work as you would expect.
I have just released a new javascript library called localDB.
localDB is a simple localStorage Database that allows you to insert, update, delete and query data in localStorage as if it were a database. If you would like to know more, read on...
Ever needed to send an automated email with some attachments and wondered how?
Well, wonder know more! Here is a guide I wrote a while ago that will teach you to do just that using PHP and SMTP.